Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cyclamen coum

A few pictures of Cyclamen coum to illustrate what a great plant it is. The top picture is from several year's back showing a mix of C.coum outside in a border, flowering in February.

Flowering usually starts in January, the middle picture was taken today, as you can see C.coum is quite unaffected by the snow and frost. 

C.coum comes in colours from deep pink, mid pink to pale pink. There is a form almost white with a purple blotch at the base of the flower called forma pallidum. All of these are easy from seed and great for the garden but if you want to have a few in the greenhouse then they are nice there too.

The final picture is one of the special forms I keep safe in the greenhouse, C.coum forma albumissum - pure white without the basal blotch. Some albumissums are weak growers - this one, grown from Cyclamen Society seed seems quite vigourous.