Sunday, May 19, 2013

Oxalis enneaphylla x laciniata hybrid

Many years ago I bought a number of South American "alpine" Oxalis, O. enneaphylla, O. patogonica, O. laciniata and a number of hybrids between the two. 

Unfortunately they did poorly in the greenhouse and so I planted them out in various troughs, moved them around but never a flower and they dwindled over the years. This year I've just dug them up (totally the wrong time of year as they are in growth) and potted them in a last ditch attempt.

All have done poorly save one. It was labelled "superstar". It's not and it does not look the same as my reference picture - but I remember sowing seed from "Superstar". For probably five or more years it's lived ignored on the greenhouse floor and flowered really well. This year I repotted it and although it only has a few flowers it does look rather nice.

Of course I will now lose it proving conclusively that Oxalis need to be grown in a dark corner and watered just when you remember it.

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