Saturday, September 14, 2013

A couple of dubious Cyclamen

Over the decades I've grown a number of Cyclamen from various seed sources and inevitably some aren't what they are supposed to be. Some are easy to spot. The pink C. purpurascens that was supposed to be purpurascens album, a hederifolium appearing within a pot of C. cyprium seedlings. Others are a bit harder to tell. Suspicious looking C. rhodense, C.creticum that are probably purer white forms of C. balearicum and so on.

The two above are examples of the ones that are harder to prove. The first is supposed to be Cyclamen africanum album. Never heard of a pure white one before - but it came with a name of someone that would in theory know. The other is supposed to be Cyclamen africanum x hederifolium. Given C.africanum is harder in some forms to tell from some forms of hederifolium how do you know when it's the hybrid?

Anyway, I keep them on in the greenhouse as curiousities.

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